Home Gaming Doomsday Vanguard Beginner Guide & Tier List

Doomsday Vanguard Beginner Guide & Tier List


Welcome to our Doomsday Vanguard Beginner Guide. In this article we will you will find best tips and tricks that will help you during your journey in Doomsday Vanguard.

Doomsday Vanguard Beginner Guide & Tier List

Don’t level up every char to lvl 5, for better rng in the stages for your favourite skills

Use the player redeem code for a free Camilla, she’s fantastic (before account lvl 8)

Use redeeming codes (weekly codes and event codes)

Choose Camilla as your main character to increase her mastery/proficiency

Rerun the stages 2 times so you get the 3 times clearance reward

Pull for characters early to be able to push chapters faster for more Originium

Do the story until you are stuck, stage 7 and 18 are nice to farm for kill counts

For the 7 day login rewards you need to lvl up all your talents up to player lvl 20, afterwards stop until day 7
Accumulate 60 talents and 8 special talents

Farm stages>use stamina for patrol

  • Do patrol when you go to sleep or can’t play
  • Farming a stage for 5 energy gives 3 equipment prints
  • Patrol gives 8 prints for 15 energy
  • 9 for stages > 8 for patrol
  • Also for kill count, you can rerun stage 7, easy to farm

Do all the daily challenges and watch the ads for fast progress (energy recharge, originalism, gold, equipment chest, double reward for the achievements, patrol and the double spin in the stage battle)

Buy equipment prints from the shop to fulfil the one lvl 25 equipment requirement
Start to buy them early on to secure it

Buy originalism from the guild and void shop to have an easier time fulfilling the mission for the 18k originalism accumulation for the 7-day mission

Toph, Zero, Camila, Energy Shield and Ice Bow helps for the earliest stages
Later I would recommend using your first S rank character because they have higher stat scaling and are all-powerful

Soul stones are obtainable in the guild shop, void shop and hero trial shop

After you make sure that you bought enough Originium for the 7-day missions you could buy around 7 pieces in total for the beginning from the guild shop because in my opinion, it’s the cheapest option in the guild shop, later you unlock the hero trial, it’s a good option to buy it from there too for the beginning

Important 7-day missions:

  • Login for 7 days
  • Open 10 advanced treasure chests
  • Accumulate 18k originalism
  • Accumulate 150k gold
  • Accumulate 500k kills in total
  • 1 equipment reaches lvl 25
  • [XX]All gears reach epic rarity[XX] (20 points)
  • All gears reach lvl 20
  • [XX]1 equipment reaches rarity legendary[XX] (20 points)
  • Open 10 advanced chests(easy with ads)

We skip the ones with [XX]

110 130 130 140 190 = 700(d1-d5)
240 600 = 840 (d6-d7)

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